Piuma Circle Wallpaper
Piuma Circle Wallpaper
Piuma Circle Wallpaper

Piuma Circle Wallpaper


Self-adhesive wallpapers in the shape of a circle, with a linen structure, this is our new proposal for decorating your interior.

Piuma is an artistic interpretation of the very popular feather motif. The literal nature of wall decorations can be very overwhelming, so a gold-copper ornament made with structural paste and hand-painted will be a very elegant alternative. The white background tones down the richness of gilding, and the hand-made ornaments leave a lot of room for interpretation. Piuma is an ideal solution for interiors in an organic and minimalist style.

The author of the pattern is Anna Kowalczyk, an artist from Wrocław and the founder of the Pracownia Annowa brand - For the love of nature.

Wallpapers in the shape of a circle are prepared as a decoration with a diameter of 130 cm or slightly smaller if additional elements protrude from the pattern, such as flowers, wings or other details.

The wallpaper is easy to apply, does not require the use of glue, and can be applied not only to the wall, but also to furniture.