Ethereal - Wallpaper in standardized rolls
Ethereal - Wallpaper in standardized rolls

Ethereal - Wallpaper in standardized rolls
Wallpaper prepared in standarised rolls 100 x 300cm
Delivery time depends on the destination country.
Please provide selected wallpaper rolls numbers in order to ensure the timely delivery.

Wallpaper prepared for butt joint.

Is your wall larger than 500x300 cm? Unusual shape? We offer wallpapers made to size! To order wallpaper made to size contact us by email

Ethereal - Wallpaper in standardized rolls


Ethereal - delicate, light, feminine, sensual, elegant, ethereal, graceful - this is what a ballerina is in our opinion. A beautiful pattern from Madebybugaj can be described with each of these adjectives. The figure of a dancing woman, in a flowing dress, on a delicate white and gray background, fleeting and elusive, decorated with gold colors.

All wallpapers from the Arte collection are made on the basis of hand-painted paintings, so the pattern may contain elements such as the texture of the canvas or brush strokes. We encourage you to purchase samples.

Roll 1
please sellect quantity for roll 1

Roll 2
please sellect quantity for roll 2

Roll 3
please sellect quantity for roll 3

Roll 4
please sellect quantity for roll 4

Roll 5
please sellect quantity for roll 5 (if available)

Number of rolls selected
Each roll size - 100 x 300 cm

total: 0


Each of the designs is available on all materials.


Any problems or questions? Order by mail